Guest Blogs

Learn more about personal finance from the most influential finance experts in the Philippines and get inspired to save, grow, and protect your finances

Manage Your Money! Saving and Budgeting Strategies

By Fitz Villafuerte

Be Wais! Let’s Learn Personal Finance

By Fitz Villafuerte

Protect Your Money! Preparing for Unexpected Expenses and Avoiding Scams

By Fitz Villafuerte

Learn how to be digitally smart through this web comic series from Manix Abrera

Let's Get Digital!

Comic Gallery

Learn the smart ways to handle your finances through this web comic series by Manix Abrera

Top Things We Can Do With The Mobile App

Discover the many useful ways our Home Credit mobile app can help you pay online or onsite at a physical store, whether it’s for bills or purchases. Plus other features including transaction history, customer rewards and promos.

Improve Your Home Credit Experience

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