Kwentong Cash Loan: Education Through Cash Loans

Learn how cash loans can support your educational goals. Kwentong Cash Loan shares tips, insights, and real-life stories about using loans for education.

  • calendar-icon Published January 14
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    In the Philippines, education can help you get out of poverty. It empowers the youth to be future achievers. This is why many families strive to put their kids through school.  

    Tuition fees, school supplies, and such are some financial challenges on the path to finishing education. But there are unwavering family figures who work hard for their loved ones to graduate. 

    Despite their dedication, these breadwinners - whether they are the parents, the eldest siblings, or others, need reliable support to keep onward through grueling challenges. Committed to being the Filipinos’ financial ally, we at Home Credit Philippines offer support whenever customers need financial assistance.  

    One such offering is the Home Credit Cash Loan, a product that allows customers to get quick cash ranging from PhP3,000 to PhP150,000. The loan can be used for a wide range of expenses, especially for tuition fees and back-to-school purchases. 

    Kwentong Cash Loan: Rowena Resaba

    Our cash loan has helped many, including 53-year-old Rowena Milleva Resaba, a resident of Barangay San Andres in Malvar, Batangas. Rowena’s goal has always been to provide for her family and ensure that they get the education they need to arm them for the future.  

    Driven by relentless effort and unconditional love, she tirelessly works towards ensuring her family’s well-being.

    As a breadwinner, wife, and mother of four, Rowena has faced numerous financial hurdles while taking care of her family. However, thanks to Home Credit Cash Loan, her family was given a lifeline that helped them navigate their financial challenges. 

    Rowena first discovered Home Credit in 2017 during a visit to a nearby mall, which presented her with the opportunity to purchase a cellphone for one of her daughters to use for her studies. Fast forward to 2020 during the pandemic, Rowena and her husband were struggling financially, especially with three children studying at the same time—one in college and two in high school.  

    Thankfully, Home Credit was there right when they needed it most. 

    Educational Achievements Through Cash Loans

    Home Credit’s reliable cash loans helped Rowena and her family manage their expenses and improve their lives.  

    Rowena’s dream of having her children finish their education was fulfilled as one of her three children graduated, and the remaining two are on their way to getting their diplomas as well. 

    Rowena expressed her gratitude to Home Credit for playing a significant role in their lives.  

    According to her, Home Credit Cash Loan has made a significant difference in our lives, and she is grateful to Home Credit for the assistance it has provided to her and her entire family. 

    With the family’s trust in Home Credit, our team surprised them by awarding them PhP50,000 to help with Rowena’s family needs and her third daughter’s college expenses.  

    Additionally, we also gifted Rowena’s eldest daughter a smartphone for her son’s studies. This gesture serves as Home Credit’s token of appreciation for Rowena as a loyal customer of the company.

    Cash Loans For Your Needs

    Qualified customers can easily apply for a Home Credit Cash Loan through the Home Credit Loan App with just two simple requirements: being a Filipino citizen aged 18 to 68 years old and having at least one valid identification card.  

    Approval can be as fast as one minute, with cash disbursement on the same day. For ease of payment, customers can choose flexible installment plans from six to 60 months!

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